Halfway There


"These three things- work, will, success -fill human existences. Will opens the door to success, both brilliant and happy. Work passes these doors, and at the end of the journey success comes in to crown one's efforts." 

- Louis Pasteur

When I was in high school, I had been one of those people who thought nothing of exams and finals. I never really had to study because I could easily grasp the information given to me in class. But boy, did that change once I got into college, even more so when I entered nursing school last fall.

Nursing, I don't know if you are all familiar with it, but it's an extremely difficult major. And with each semester, there's always two or three courses that are considered "test-average" classes. This just means that there's a certain test average you're supposed to have by the end of the semester for you to pass the class. I don't particularly know if this is the case for all nursing schools, or if it's just my school being extra competitive as per usual. But these are the classes that give me anxiety the most. I honestly thought I was going to fail one of my classes because I was barely passing towards finals week. I literally studied my butt off, getting up early in the morning to study and not stopping my review sessions until the break of dawn the next day. I feel like I answered around 3,000+ questions in under a week. 

But today, everything is done and over with. My exam scores arrived in the afternoon and I'm more than happy to say that I've aced all my finals with flying colors. The time and effort you put into something actually does pay off. This is what I've learned through several cups of coffee and dark circle days. So, if you're reading this and you feel like you're failing at life, don't sweat it. Let time take its course and a little bit of effort in what you do can take you to places you could never even imagine you'd be able to reach. 

--xx, C

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